The descent into the cave of the rabbit...

Friday, 23 January 2009

Hey, Santa!

Some colleagues suggested that we should attend Barack's fiesta and enjoy a city break at D.C. but I have never been fond of crowded gatherings; so I chose to stay at home and paint my bathroom's door that day.

I hope though that he will make the difference and try to improve things for people in need. Bill was also a Democrat but he ruined Yugoslavia and father Bush just before him attacked Iraq and his son has been playing with guns since day one. It's a risky business to be the President and you can easily end up washing other people's blood off your hands.

What do I pledge for? Social justice, peace, environmental respect and redistribution of money...

Santa Claus, what do you think? Have I been a good boy or will you punish me for breaking up with her and immigrating to the States?

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